In SafetyEasy, you will have the possibility to create 2 kinds of reminders:

  • A deadline reminder: which is a reminder based on the “Deadline” field. An email will be send, listing the cases you should submit 8 days before the date you find in the “Deadline” field.

  • A contact reminder: Which is a reminder based on the “Contact potential date”. An email will be sent to notify the users, when do they have to contact the primary source.

1. How to create a reminder:

In the Administration menu=>Software’s Management=>Reminder management:

You can create as many reminders as you need by clicking on the “Add” button.

You will choose the kind of reminder you want to create by clicking on “Update reminder” here you can choose between “deadline” or “contact”.

Then, in the next button “Select fields” you will select the fields you need as title of column, for the Excel Sheet you will receive in the reminder.

In the next button “Update Receivers” you will enter all the email addresses of all the users that should receive the reminder. And in the button “Update Label fields” you can change the name of the fields that will appear as title of column.

2. How to set the reminder:

In the Administration menu=>Software’s Management=>Task Scheduler, you will be able to schedule the reminders:

On the right part you will have to select the reminder. In the drop-down menu, you will find all the created reminders:

Then you will select the Days and time you want to receive the reminder.