First your Administrators will select which information will be chosen to compare the cases:
Administration menue=>Software’s Management=>Duplicate Check Management :
Then you have several ways to check if the case is a duplicate:
On an open case: Case menu=>Duplicate Check for the case or the quick access toolbar:
If you click on one of these 2 item a pop-up window will open, listing in Red cases having the same information on a sensible field and green for a less sensible field:
On a closed case: List of cases=>Right click=>Actions=>Duplicate=>Duplicate check for the case
On the Tools menu, you have a function “global duplicate check” which will compare all the cases of the database between them.
You have the possibility in the Administration menu=>Software’s Management=>Settings, to make the duplicate check mandatory before the first save of the case:
When this option is ticket at “Yes” and the user try to save the case for the first time, the pop-up window will open:
The user will be unable to save the case, until he clicks on “Duplicate check Processed”.
Once it’s done, the ID of the user will appear in the field “Duplicate check” with the date and time: