- How does an Administrator activates the WorkFlow?
To activate the WorkFlow option The administrator must go to the Administration menu=>Software’s Management=>settings
- How the administrator will decide which date of the case should be use as “Status start date”?
In the Settings, you will have the possibility to choose between 3 dates:
The current date (the date you create the case)
The received date
The last receipt date
- How the administrator will create the WorkFlow statuses?
Administration => WorkFlow Admin => WorkFlow Status Admin
To create the WorkFlow statuses. (You can create only one initial and final status, but as many intermediary status as you need).
In the “Max delay Default” you can indicate, in number of days, the delay on which the status can stay.
- How does the Administrator decides when and who can change the WorkFlow status of a case?
Administration => WorkFlow Admin => WorkFlow Admin
Once the status had been created, you can decide which group can pass a status to another status, the delay a case must stay in this status and add conditions.
For instance: you can pass to the next status if the case is serious and reported by a physician (or medically confirmed).
- Is there a way to decide which actions can be performed on a case depending its status?
Administration => WorkFlow Admin => Permit status Admin
Here you will decide, for each group, which actions can be performed on a case depending its status and the User type.